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Sunderland LGBT+ Network


Organisation Type:

Provision Areas:


Contact Details:

Lynne Roxburgh

Aims and Objectives

o promote equality and diversity, advance education and eliminate discrimination in relation to Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) people in particular but not exclusively those resident in Sunderland for, the benefit of the pubic by raising awareness in issues affecting the LGBT+ community.

History and Background

We started in 2011 as Sunderland Pride to organise the first Pride event in Sunderland. In 2015 we became Sunderland Pride Group to cater for the growing pride Event. In 2020 we have rebranded to Sunderland LGBT+ Network because of the growing need for our services, Sunderland Pride is one of our projects. We are a company run by volunteers from the LGBT+ community.

Activities and Projects

We have a number of projects such as LGBT+ 18+ Drop in, 50+ LGBT group, Transit group for young Trans people (13-24) Breakout for young LGBT+ people (13-18), as well as Volunteering, our annual Pride Planning Team. We also offer training in LGBT, Trans 101 and Hate Crime Awareness.

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